Given all that was going on in Egypt a couple of weeks ago, I was a little apprehensive about bringing my sister and mother of five into Jordan given the potential for unrest; however, she never hesitated. So, we pressed ahead with plans (procured some travel insurance). Proved a wise decision as Jordan was and remains most stable. They appear to love their King whose pictures are everywhere throughout the country.
Mauria and I met up at the Amman Airport (Queen something after King Hussein's 3rd wife killed in a plane accident). The top picture was my first sighting of Mauria and also our Jordan driver Jamil. Of note during this 1 1/2 day visit to this city included an amazing meal hosted in a lovely restaurant by Wael, a friend of a friend. Besides being a most gracious man, I learned he worked with USAID (State Dept) to facilitate the building and utilization of greenhouses. I was thrilled sharing ideas about alternative heating sources and other concepts Teena has taught me. Poor Mauria.
The next day, we were driven around the town for a relatively short tour. Not much to see but housing and government buildings. Except for the Roman Coloseum which we found fascinating and incredibly well maintained. You can see people in the top right corner to help with perspective on size. We were both pretty tired so opted to keep it another restful day to do some sister bonding. Next day early, Israel bound