Amazingly as you will see in the center picture, they do grow crops (look for splash of green). Of course these are probably poppy plants (think heroine) which is sadly Afghanistan's greatest cash crop despite billions invested by the international community to eradicate. But, I digress.
We are now in severe draught conditions, everything here in Kabul is covered in dirt. Please note I did not say dust or even sand. It's just dirt everywhere: in the air, on the ground, everywhere inside the offices/safe houses all in despite of daily cleaning, and most importantly in my sinuses. Thank you again Chaput for the sinus saline packs to flush them out every night and sometimes mornings too... won't go into details on this one because it's just too gross. Branden, you would like this story but will save it for when I visit you in Auburn.
Given my grueling work schedule, I'm changing my blog tactics. I've decided to write shorter blogs with more pictures and will try hard to get them out more often. Note the word TRY.
My favorite is the pix of Just Gail!