Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy New Year and Birthday

The Afghan national sport is called Buzkashi. This game is played between two teams of horsemen competing to pick up a headless calf, goat or sheep carcass and throw it into a scoring circle. I'm told because of this sport and rugged terrain, the Afghans are considered the best horsemen in the world. And, it's played throughout the country on Nowruz
New Year celebrations at the Sahki Shrine here in Kabul

March 21 is the "Persian" New Year celebrated by the Afghan people... it's just like ours but without the drinking. Families get together and celebrate the New Year which intentionally begins on the first day of spring. What a beautiful concept, the plants coming back to life starts the new year. Over here it is now Solar Year (SY) 1390 not our chrisitan calendar 2011. Needless to say, yesterday was an Afghan national holiday; however, Sunday was pretty darn quiet around the ministry which allowed me time to catch up on administrative matters.
Unfortunately, any major celebratory holiday here brings with it an enhanced security threat. So far, so good; however, that increased threat will last a few more days. Needless to say, this drives increased head scarf wearing which gives me no great joy as you well know. Sorry Julia should have let you know this earlier so you and your gardening group could dress accordingly.
March 21 is also my brother Bob's birthday, so I'd like to pass on a happy birthday to him reminding him he is once again a year older than me. Also, I bought you a really cool birthday gift but it'll have to wait till I get home.

1 comment:

  1. Gail,
    Love the photo of the men with the balloons. Such a wonderful contrast between the shiny, colorful balloons and the dusty drab landscape.
    Happy New Year!
