One recent day I was waiting outside the building with Naseer awaiting the Director to go to a meeting. So, we're watching the landscaping guys struggle with pulling out some very old roots so they could replant. The workers were Hazara (most discriminated ethnic group in Afghanistan) and I assume Naseer is Tajik (power tribe here in Kabul) but I watched him as he watched them with an obvious level of compassion at their failure to extract the root. Next thing I know Naseer has the pick axe in his hands and powerfully swinging it against the root system. I started cheering him on (not effective as it was in English) but others soon joined... the workers were just beaming! In short order, he had the roots out and beamed victoriously.
For me, it wasn't about the root but the act of kindness on his part. The Director is a meticulously clean man and expects others around him to maintain themselves the same. So, this act of kindness brought personal risk which I'm confident he weighed before jumping into the hole. I just love many these people!
Unfortunately, there are many here who are not Naseers. As you've probably been seeing in the news the Taliban are now becoming more assertive outside Kabul, although there is significant anticipation here for the weekend. Sure wish the media would tell Naseer stories.
Gail, Such a small kind act it would be for a neighbor here to help another. The kindness and generosity of these people..the humanity is not what we see on the news. The fact that there could be great consequences for Naseer's kind act, of which he is fully aware, and yet he did it anyway. Thank you for sharing these great stories! This is one of those that gives me shivers... and hope that someday peace will prevail.