Monday, July 19, 2010

It's Now All About the Conference

Well, I reported to you yesterday that Hillary was in town but it turned out that was a tactical deception (gotta stop hanging around these military folk), she was actually in Pakistan.
This evening a group of us walked through the US Embassy compound (it's more like a military base) in route to the international dining facility when we ran into her very large and well armored convoy. I would have waved, but I had no idea what vehicle she was in.
Asa could not make it into work today because they closed down most intersections in Kabul for security reasons. I opted not to go to my Ministry today but a number of the guys did.... they said it was hell getting back. Lots of checkpoints and armed guards questioning everyone. Tomorrow is the start of the conference, and I sure hope it goes off without a major incident for all our sakes. Needless to say, I'm hunkering down.
I asked Asa about the Taliban the other day. Now you have to understand this very demure woman (shorter and a whole lot lighter than me) almost always has a big smile on her face. When she said the word Taliban, her whole body tensed up and I saw great anger in her face "they are animals" so told me in a most stern voice. She went on to say the Taliban tell the people that they kill in the name of God, but the Afghan people know better. They "hate" the Taliban and wish God would strike them all down dead for the evils they do. She also said her parents were forced to escape Afghanistan with their 5 young children because of the Taliban.
On to a lighter note, sorry but these are pretty stressful times here.
I work and travel with a couple of guys (Ken & Scott) who've taken a group of street boys under their wing. Ken's been receiving skateboards from friends back home and delivering them to these amazingly happy but horribly poor boys. When we're in the van together and we see these kids it's so very fun. They remind me so very much of my grand nieces and nephews, and for that matter my nieces and nephews when they were young... just jumping for joy when someone fun comes to visit. In my case, it was Auntie Margaret coming over to visit when I was young. Scott and Ken are now trying to figure out how to get these kids into a local, private and thus expensive German school where they can get a much better education. More to come on this subject to include pictures.
Well, gotta go hit the shower... got sandblasted again today and I'm filthy. So much for the light blue blouse I have to wear.
This blog's hug goes out to.... ALL MY BUDDIES AT THE AMERICAN LEGION SWEENEY POST!!!!

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