I took this picture of Afghan President Karzai in my travels... it's a huge poster attached to a non descript building. I thought it depicted the spirit of the Afghan people.
Asa came into work the other day and just had to share her joy about her President. She told me he had been on television the night before and cried before his people about the poor education system in Afghanistan. She was obviously deeply touched by both his open display of emotion as well as his words. Unfortunately, I do not have education statistics to share with you, but know the educational system in this country is abysmal. Destroying this critical national program was probably the Taliban's greatest success. And unfortunately, the Taliban continue in their campaign to keep the Afghan people ignorant and those who are educated, controlled under the threat of death. One thing I am starting to observe here is that too many of the well educated Afghans are emigrating/escaping out for a better future for themselves and their children.
Thanks to my sister Mauria and friend Judy for their wise insights into my $100 escape/evade plan. Unfortunately Mauria, I'm not convinced the airless/flatless tires for our many company vehicles is a good option. And Judy, no I do not carry a gun and even if allowed, I would not. The seagull analogy was quite insightful though and will be taken into consideration.
So I also hear that if you yell "fire" when being attacked it is 90% more likely that someone will run to help you or to check out the fire. So maybe find out the Afghan word for fire and yell that while throwing the $100 bills! I think that would be a sure way of either getting you out of there or released for mental instability. Also maybe carry the $100 in ones.