Sunday, September 26, 2010

Working Conditions

What you see is literally the size of our shared office at the international community base. Labor laws would outlaw these conditions in the states :-} and Asa wasn't there that day which just adds to the joy. This tiny office in the "Minuteman House" house includes office mates Rick and Scott as well as their interpretors... we call ourselves THE MINUTEMEN which drives the boss crazy but we have a lot of fun with it. As you can see from my position in the back, it's not fun if I need to step out of the office as all must adjust positions. And at times, we're all cramming on projects so movement by one causes aggravation by all. And then there are the office meetings when Rick or Scott have somebody stop by to discuss an issue... it just ain't pretty. But, we do tend to have fun and I learn a whole lot from all these guys.

Fortunately for me, my wonderful sister Mauria recently sent me an IPod loaded with all my classical music which I use as white noise when cramming on a staff paper. It helps tremendously.

Then there's my office in the Afghan Ministry... much more spacious and comfortable. Big drawback is the incredibly gross bathrooms which become necessary but only under extreme conditions. Another blog on that another day.

hi ho hi ho, it's off ...


  1. Hello There Hero!

    I hope all is well Granty Gail(I like that!)
    Things are crazy here as usual. It looks like you are making the most of that time out there. I knew you would. Love Ya

  2. I think you should be called Minute persons. Just sayin'.
